Here at we sell a wide variety of vitamins and minerals for all ages! We carry a combination of Genestra Brands, UNDA oligoelements and Douglas Labs products. Seroyal products are pharmaceutical grade, easy to absorb and contain a well-rounded formulation of nutrients to improve all your deficiencies. Most of us are not absorbing all the nutrients in the foods we eat due to poor digestion and high-stress lifestyles, so it is critical to supplement with a wide range of vitamins and minerals and essential fatty acids to nourish our body! We sell childrens multivitamins and multivitmin mineral formulas for adults that also contain glandulars to support our adrenals, liver, thyroid spleen, pancreas, brain and gallbladder! GLYforte and TAD+ from Genestra Brands are our top sellers and contain many essential nutrients that are needed daily for our metabolic functions in our body. Cod Liver Forte from Genestra is another top seller and is a pure, high-quality cod liver oil (source of EPA and DHA) and is one of the more affordable ones on the market!

Browse our large selection of essential nutrients to support your overall health today!

Regular price $72.00
Regular price $69.00
Regular price $110.00
Regular price $56.00 Sold Out
Regular price $57.00
Regular price $60.00 Sold Out
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Regular price $50.00
Regular price $48.00
Regular price $40.00