Orders are generally shipped within 0-2 business days after your order is processed.
Orders are processed Mon-Fri during normal business hours.
You may return damaged or defective merchandise within 10 days of the original purchase date for a full refund minus shipping charges, or we can send you a new product to replace the damaged one free of charge. If a product is damaged, please send us a picture of the damaged product if you would like a new one sent to you. Unfortunately, we do not replace/refund products if the packaging is destroyed. We will only refund or replace items with physical damage to the product itself.
Puremarket provides several shipping methods to cater to everyone's budget. Unfortunately, Small Packet Shipping does not provide us with a tracking number. If you choose 'Small Packet Air' as your shipping choice we are not responsible if the package is lost in the mail and unfortunately are not able to issue a refund for the products or shipping charges.
P.O. Boxes
Please note that we are unable to ship to P.O. boxes. Any orders placed with a PO box will be cancelled if an alternate address is not provided.
Should the need arise to cancel an order after you've placed it, we will do our best to accommodate your request. Order cancellation is a time-sensitive action, so please do get in touch with our Customer Care team as soon as possible. If the order has already been shipped, we are unable to cancel the order. You can request a cancellation in one of the following ways:
EMAIL: info@puremarket.ca
*Ensure that you include your puremarket.ca order number in your email.
Please note, that once your order moves into the processing stage in our warehouse, we may no longer be able to cancel it.
Our goal at Puremarket.ca is to ensure that you are totally satisfied with your shopping experience. We accept returns of unopened products up to 5 business days after the product was received from orders within Canada (see which products are not eligible for refuinds below). Opened or used products are not within our return guidelines. We are currently unable to accept returns from US locations. We also cannot accept any returns from products in the following categories: