Genestra Bilberry Young Shoot is a remarkable plant that grows in acidic and silicic soil. In the fall, violet-black coloured berries grow and are highly sought after by nocturnal birds to help stimulate their night vision.
Historically, Bilberry has been used for its astringing properties. These astringing properties have been used for intestinal tropisms specifically vomiting, colitis, infectious diarrhoeas, and for reducing gastrointestinal fermentation and putrefaction.
Due to its endocrine balancing effects on the pancreas and liver, especially considering the rich concentration of vasculoprotective anthocyanosides and antioxidant properties, it is specifically beneficial to help with protecting the microvascular and ocular circulation.
Lastly, it has a strong exocrine anti-infectious action with antibiotic-like properties with vermifuge activity and urinary antiseptic actions against colibaccilosis