R7 | Liver and gallbladder conditions – drainage
Structural and functional dysfunctions of the liver and gallbladder; hepatopathy; cholecystitis, biliary calculi, anomalies of biliary secretion; bitter taste in the mouth; hepatitis; abdominal swelling; premature satiety, post-prandial fatigue, lack of appetite; flatulence, constipation; irritation; hypochondria.
Mode of action
Carduus marianus: Pain in the liver, marked when lying on the left side; jaundice; biliary calculi, cholangitis; acute hepatitis.
Chelidonium: Swelling of the liver with the sensation of pressure on the liver and biliary vessels, with extension to the right shoulder blade; right upper quadrant pain; cholagogue.
China: Meteorism, bloating, and distension of the abdomen, flatulent colic; gallbladder disease, gallbladder colic; hepatitis, hepatomegaly.
Cholesterinum: Chronic enlargement of the liver, jaundice, and formation of gallstones; prevents the recurrence of gallstones.
Colocynthis: Cramp-like abdominal pain; pain is relieved by strong pressure on abdomen, and by bending double; gallbladder colic, cholecystitis.
Lycopodium clavatum: Meteorism and flatulence; bitter taste in the mouth; constipation; increased appetite, but early satiety; irritability.
Nux vomica: Hypochondria; hepatic constriction and congestion; nausea; jaundice; gastrointestinal dyspep-sia; constipation, hemorrhoids; abuse of all stimulants (i.e. tobacco, alcohol, etc.).
Clinical experience
- As a drainage remedy, 5-10 drops 3 times daily. Duration of treatment is typically 6 weeks, but symptoms should be monitored so that it may be adjusted accordingly.
- Important to consider in the treatment of digestive disorders, skin problems, chemotherapy patients, patients on heavy meds, toxic load, allergies.