Black Currant Bud – Black Currant also stimulates the catabolism of ureas, uric acids and cholesterol.
Black Currant originated in the Himalayas and the plains of Nepal. Its berries are rich in vitamin C and bioflavonoids. It is considered as a universal drainer capable of cleansing the entire system. Black Currant has a direct adreno-cortico stimulating action to promote an increase in cortisone-like actions without the iatrogenic consequences. The increase in cortisol helps the immune system in warding and fighting off colds and flu, repeated childhood rhinopharyngitis and respiratory allergies. Primarily, the adreno-stimulant actions have strong anti-inflammatory and anti-allergenic properties that act on the mucosal membranes of the respiratory, digestive and urinary tracts. Black Currant also stimulates the catabolism of ureas, uric acids and cholesterol.
Phytoembryotherapy is a branch of phytotherapy that specifically incorporates plant embryological tissues (buds, young shoots, etc.) containing •plant meristem• cells • undifferentiated, fast dividing cells which contain the plant•s genetic blueprint and material. These embryonic tissues are rich in beneficial phyto-chemicals including: growth factors and plant hormones, enzymes, nucleic acids, oligoelements, and phytonutrients such as polyphenols and flavonoids. These embryological tissues are also utilized because many of the above mentioned components are lost in fully developed plants once chlorophyll is formed. These embryological tissues are also utilized because their energetic components are at their highest levels when they are harvested in the spring • the most active phase of the growth cycle.